Self-Offering of Suffering for Priests

by Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S.

My Savior Jesus, I do not comprehend the mystery of suffering, but I believe that it has a redemptive value when it is offered in union with Your Passion. In my suffering I find solace in the crucifix, which demonstrates the selfless nature of true sacrificial love. When the weight of a cross burdens me, I desire to recall Your suffering and unite mine to Yours. I beseech You to accept the offering of all of my past, present, and future sufferings for the sanctification of priests, who are Your ministers of love. My suffering is small when compared with Your complete sacrifice of crucified love, but still I offer it to You. Please grant that through the daily offering of my suffering I can become a vessel of divine mercy for Your ministerial priesthood. These fishers of men, physicians of souls, preachers of truth, and servants of all are ministers of Your divine love and extend Your Sacred Heart throughout the Church. Please accept the offering of my suffering on their behalf so they may become increasingly holy and zealous, wise and humble, generous and pure.

Lord Jesus, draw all souls to You through Your priestly ministry, and set the world ablaze through holy priests who will do Your bidding. Lord Jesus, take my suffering into Your holy wounds, and through my offering, grant priests what they need for the greater work of saving souls. My Savior and Eternal High Priest, may my humble offering console Your Sacred Heart. Amen.

(This prayer originally appeared in Praying for Priests: A Mission for the New Evangelization (Sophia Institute Press, 2014) by Kathleen Beckman).